Johnnie Fox's 1989-1998 |
The Merry Ploughboys were the anchor band in Johnnie Fox's in Dublin when the Hooley nights began back in 1990. The nine years spent by the Merry Ploughboys at Johnnie Fox's began while the band were students at UCD (University College Dublin) and this nine year period ended with a sell out night at Vicar Street in Dublin to celebrate the band's ten year annivesary. The band's time at Johnnie Fox's came to an close when they moved back down the mountain to set up Taylors Irish Night in Dublin. Since January 2007, the Merry Ploughboys have been performing exclusively at their own Irish Music pub "the Merry Ploughboy Pub". The band now perform "Live in Concert" almost every night of the week, all year round at what has become the best all year round show in Dublin. |